How to Get Rid of Airplane Ears
Try swallowing multiple times, as the plane starts to take off.
Blow your nose or hold you nose and act as if you are blowing it. That puts pressure on your eardrums and helps them to pop. A lot of scuba divers do this in order to normalize pressure.
Try chewing gum. Start chewing a little before the plane actually takes off. The most important thing is to keep opening and closing your jaw, which helps to counteract the pressure in your ears. You can achieve this by eating or sucking on candy, drinking water, etc...
Get over the counter decongestants or nose sprays. Take an hour before your flight is scheduled to land.
Squeeze you nose shut, gulp in air through your mouth and try to force the air into your nose. If you feel your ears "pop", you will know that they have unclogged.
If you fly often and the ear pain lasts all throughout the flight or even longer, consult an ear doctor to get a professional opinion on what you should do to prevent Airplane Ears while flying.