What to Do About Plugged Ear Earache?
Home Remedies
In many cases, plugged ears are a temporary condition that lasts no more than a few days at a time. Some doctors may suggest simply waiting until the ears become unplugged on their own. If your earache from plugged ears is too uncomfortable, you can try a number of home remedies before seeing a doctor. Try placing a cold pack or cold damp wash cloth against the ear to alleviate pain. For earaches resulting from pressure changes, you can try several remedies, including drinking a glass of water, chewing gum, swallowing and yawning. Another remedy for this condition is to take a deep breath, then try to force air out while holding your nostrils closed and keeping your mouth shut.
Over-the-Counter Remedies
If home remedies do not work, you may want to go to your local drugstore or grocery story for some over-the-counter remedies. For the pain of an earache, try a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You can also purchase ear drops that are intended to clear the ear of blockages. If your earache happens during or shortly after a cold, you can try taking an antihistamine to relieve the congestion in your ears. The antihistamine can be in pill or nasal spray form. You can also try a long-acting nasal decongestant spray or oral decongestant, but if this doesn't help within five days, you should discontinue its use to avoid further complications. You pharmacist can help recommend a brand in this area.
See Doctor
If your earache is severe, you should set up an appointment with your doctor. You should also see a doctor if home remedies have little or no effect on your earache and your feeling of plugged ears remains for an extended period of time. If you see a doctor, they will refer you to a specialist if the problem is serious. In some cases, ventilation tubes are used to drain fluid from the ears, which will relieve pressure. They can also prescribe topical nasal steroids to lessen the congestion that is affecting your earache.