Ear Congestion Treatment
Over-the-counter antihistamines can help relieve ear congestion. These can be administered in the form of a nasal spray or oral pill.
Decongestant nasal sprays and oral pills can also relieve plugged ears. If the problem continues after five days of use, discontinue the decongestants and contact a doctor.
Saline Solutions
Purchase a saline or salt-water solution at a drug store. Spray the solution up your nose once or twice a day to clear congested nasal passages, which is often the cause of plugged ears.
Ventilation Tubes
In more serious cases, a doctor may suggest using ventilation tubes to drain fluid from the ear, which will relieve pressure.
Pressure Changes
In some cases, plugged ears might be caused by a change in pressure, like the feeling that occurs sometimes when your airplane takes off or lands. Resolve this by swallowing hard, chewing gum or yawning.