How to Amplify Sound for Better Hearing
Things You'll Need
- Amplification device
- Hearing test
- Hearing aid
Better Hearing
Have a comprehensive hearing test done by a hearing health care provider. If you're feeling like you need to amplify sound to hear better, it's good to find out how much hearing loss you might have.
Consider trying a hearing aid. Hearing aids offer exceptional digital amplification, discreetness and advanced features like Bluetooth capability. Hearing aid clinics offer trial periods and money-back guarantees.
If you have hearing loss but aren't ready for hearing aids, or don't have enough hearing loss to wear hearing aids, there are other options for amplifying sound.
Use an assistive listening device or personal amplifier. These devices look like Bluetooth cell phone ear pieces and can be purchased at most major electronics stores.
Find an earpiece that fits your ear best. Amplified earpieces come with attachable ear buds--in different sizes--and fit inside your ear canal. The devices themselves come in various shapes, sizes, colors and styles.
Try on the available earpieces at a retail location. Bring your own alcohol wipes to clean each piece prior to placing it up to your ear. By trying different sizes, you'll avoid buying an earpiece that'll be too cumbersome for you to use.
Check the return policy on the personal amplifier you choose. You won't know if you're comfortable with the device until you've used it for one to two weeks.