What Are Channels on a Digital Hearing Aid?
Hearing tests determine how well you can hear the range of frequencies associated with human speech. The frequency range tested during a standard hearing test is 125 to 8000. Rarely does an individual with a hearing loss hear all of those frequencies at the same volume level.
Channels are frequency specific sections within a hearing aid's computer chip that are programmed according to the results of a hearing test. Before channels, hearing aids amplified all sounds equally, making hearing aids too uncomfortable for some people to wear.
A digital-programmable hearing aid’s internal computer chip is capable of separately programming 2 to 20 sections of frequencies. In other words, hearing aids can have 2 to 20 channels. Each channel allows you to set a different volume or response for that section of frequencies. This is called frequency specific response.
Hearing test results are programmed to the computer chip in the hearing aid. The channels automatically adjust according to the your specific hearing needs. Channels provide the correct amount of volume needed at each frequency to provide you with the best hearing possible.
Channels mimic natural hearing function. Inside your ears are separate nerve endings for each frequency of human hearing. A digital hearing aid restores hearing, but only at the frequencies needed by your ear. The more channels a hearing aid has, the more natural, comfortable and clear sound will be.