Characteristics of the Hearing Impaired
The most common characteristic of a hearing impaired person is her need to ask others to repeat things. People suffering from severe hearing impairment will intently watch your lips when you're speaking; they may even move their mouths along with you. Subconsciously, all hearing impaired individuals read lips.
A hearing impaired person is always missing parts of a conversation. As a result, he sometimes gives improper responses to questions, talks over others, interrupts others or abruptly changes the subject during conversation.
According to the American Academy of Audiology, 36 million Americans suffer from hearing loss. Only a fraction of them will seek treatment. Denial is the toughest characteristic to overcome. Hearing loss is an insidious condition. It's no surprise that, when confronted, most people will deny having difficulty hearing.
According to the Better Hearing Institute, hearing loss can seriously impact your life, leading to isolation and withdrawal. The National Council on Aging surveyed 2,300 hearing impaired adults and found that depression, anxiety and paranoia are more likely to affect those with untreated hearing loss.
Hearing aids are the most effective treatment for moderate to severe hearing loss. At the first sign of hearing loss, consult an otolaryngologist or ear, sose and throat specialist (ENT).