How to Make 5% Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Warm water
- Glass jar
- Ear dropper
Warm 4 ounces (½ cup) of water. When mixing your ear drops use warm water, but make sure the mixture has cooled to room temperature before using your ear drops. Putting hot or cold ear drops into your ears will cause pain.
Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in the warm water. Allow the baking soda to completely dissolve.
Store your drops in a clean glass container. Keep the container at room temperature. Shake the container before using the drops.
Use a dropper to put your sodium bicarbonate ear drops into your ear. Use only two to three drops at a time. Drops can be used twice a day, if necessary.
Use two to three drops twice a day for one week when using ear drops to dissolve earwax. According to B.D. Schmitt, author of "Your Child's Health," to dissolve an earwax blockage, lie down with your blocked ear facing up, place four to six drops--enough to fill your ear canal--and leave the drops in your ear for one hour. To prevent future earwax blockage, use two to three drops per ear once a week.
Use one to two drops per ear every other day when using ear drops to prevent outer ear infection. Sodium bicarbonate ear drops help dry out your ear canal, which is important for people who swim often.
Use two to three drops twice a day for one to two weeks for an active outer ear infection. Baking soda drops shouldn't take the place of ear drops your physician has prescribed to treat an ear infection, however. After you’ve completed any antibiotic treatment prescribed by your physician, use the baking soda drops to dry up and dissolve leftover infection residue in your ear canal.