Over-the-Counter Earwax Removal
Most ear medications use irrigation as the method of choice and come in a liquid form. They are administered to the ear via a small droplet applicator. Most solutions use a combination of hydrogen peroxide or carbamyl peroxide and water to loosen hardened wax.
The Murine Ear Wax Removal System is one of the more popular options on the market and requires about five drops per ear per application. The Debrox Earwax Removal system also has been well-reviewed and users have reported good results.
Ear candles have gained popularity in recent years. The idea is to place a specially designed candle into your ear and light the wick. A vacuum is created between the bottom of the candle and the ear drum and, as a result, wax gets suctioned out of the ear canal and gets stuck to the base of the candle.
This is a controversial treatment and some people have sworn by it while others have dismissed it as a hoax. The candles are generally cone shaped and made out of beeswax. Wally's Natural Products All-Natural Ear Candle is a popular brand but, if you attempt to use it, have another person present to help you because doing it yourself heightens the odds of candle wax getting in the ear and causing possible blockage or burns.
Home Remedy
The most basic home remedy is to pour a small amount of warm water into the ear to try to flush the wax out. Warm water is recommended because the heat can help break up the wax and cold water inserted into the ear can be a shock to your equilibrium and make you feel nauseated.
Using a drop or two of baby oil in each ear once or twice a week helps break up wax and lubricates the canal so the wax can slide out easier.
Mixing vinegar with water and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1:2 ratio is a useful home remedy that can help eliminate wax. After a few days of the peroxide solution, squirt some warm water in the ear to flush it, then use a cotton ball and dab it with rubbing alcohol. Squeeze the cotton ball to drop a tiny amount of the alcohol in each ear and let it run out. This removes any remaining wax and helps dry out the canal.