How to Get Rid of Ringing in the Ear From a Hair Dryer

Excessive ringing in the ear, also known as tinnitus, might also sound like hissing, humming or squealing. It is caused by several factors including loud noise, which could be the result of a buzzing hair dryer. As annoying as tinnitus can be, there's no off switch in your body that will make it go away. Instead, you can learn different methods of drying your hair and managing the ringing in your ear until it finally goes away on its own.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Stereo
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    • 1

      Use hair dryers with less frequency if the ringing in your ears is so bad that it interferes with your daily activities. Your hair dryer may be convenient and allow you to style your hair in just minutes but if it keeps you from talking on the phone or holding conversations with others because your ear is ringing, you might want to consider limiting dryer use to one or two times each week.

    • 2

      Dry your hair using a towel if you have the time. Or, if you're in a hurry, allow your hair to air dry naturally. That way, you'll avoid the loud noise from a hair dryer all together and you won't have to deal with the ringing sensation.

    • 3
      Tilting your head forward may diminish the ringing in your ears.

      Tilt your head forward or to the sides when blow drying your hair and point the nozzle away from your head. Doing this will keep the loud blasts of air from going straight to your ears and causing ringing.

    • 4

      Remove ear wax regularly if you must frequently use a hair dryer. The waxy buildup can add to the ringing sensation or even make it worse. Remember that cotton swabs are not the safest way to clean your ears. Instead, visit a doctor and have them cleaned professionally so that you don't damage the skin inside the ear canal.

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      Drown out the ringing ears with other noises until it stops on its own. Temporarily, you'll forget about the annoying sound. To do this, play music on a stereo or turn on something else that has a light but steady sound, such as a fan.

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      Perform a few head and neck stretches once the ringing begins. Along with regular exercise, this can increase circulation to your ear area and help relieve the unnecessary noise.

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