Signs of Poor Listening
Distractibility and Hypersensitivity
People with poor listening skills are easily distracted by other sounds present in the environment. For example, children in the classroom with poor listening skills can be distracted by humming lights, a clock ticking, sounds in the hallway or movements of classmates. A person in a crowded room might not hear their name called until they are approached or touched. This is called poor auditory filtering. Poor auditory filtering caused by poor listening skills can lead to hypersensitivity to everyday sounds. People with this issue overreact to sounds made by a vacuum cleaner, toilet flushing, kitchen appliances, dog barking, children playing or other common sounds.
Delayed Information Processing
Poor listening skills lead to delayed information processing. A person with this issue does not immediately respond to statements or questions in a conversation. There is a pause while he is processing what was said and as he is formulating a response. In addition, poor listening skills cause difficulty following directions. A person might complete part of the step, having processed only a piece of the information or be unable to complete the task at all.
Behavioral Signs
People with poor listening skills are typically not organized. Their physical environment is messy and they have difficulty meeting deadlines. These types of people have difficulty seeing outside themselves -- they are self-centered and opinionated and have trouble seeing other points of view. Poor listening skills can lead to lack of confidence and fear of venturing outside a comfort zone.
Physical Signs
Poor listening skills can result in physical issues as well. Stress levels increase, causing fatigue and irritability. People with these issues often have difficulty making friends and communicating in social situations. It can lead to poor articulation, making the person difficult to understand. Poor listening skills in children can cause delayed language development and adults often have trouble learning foreign languages. Body language can also indicate poor listening. Lack of eye contact is a primary indicator of poor communication. In addition, a person may turn away from the person speaking, cross his arms or fidget.