10 Tips for Better Hearing
Keep the Ear Canal Free
Avoid inserting items, such as double-ended cotton swabs, in the ear canal as this can cause damage to the inner ear.
Regular Checkups
Regular health checkups with a family doctor should also include the ears. A doctor checks a person's ears for any signs of damage or hearing problems.
Lower the Volume
Turn down the volume on the television to low, until it takes focus to hear the sound. This exercise forces the brain to work harder to hear and gradually teaches the brain concentrated hearing.
Speak Quietly
Talk with others in a quiet manner. This exercise forces the brain to pick out tonal changes in the voice, instead of focusing on hearing higher volume noises.
Be Silent
Spending time in silence allows the brain to pick up all the small noises a person normally would not hear with background noise such as music or the television. This also allows the ears to adjust to different volumes in different environments.
Protect the Ears
Use protection in the form of earmuffs or earplugs when in environments with volumes of more than 85 decibels. Also, use protection when using loud tools such as snow blowers, lawnmowers and power tools.
Rest the Ears
After exposure to extremely loud environments such as concerts, give the ears a rest by avoiding additional loud noises and utilizing earplugs or earmuffs.
Be Aware
Stay aware of the signs and symptoms of hearing loss. Symptoms of hearing loss include continually asking people to repeat themselves, consistently turning up the volume on a radio or television and feeling irritable during and after long conversations.
Visit a Doctor
Seek medical attention immediately after experiencing any signs and symptoms of hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss can result in frustration, difficulty and social withdrawal. Untreated hearing loss can also be dangerous in certain situations.
Limit Exposure
When a person experiences sounds that are too loud for a long period, permanent damage to the ears and hearing loss can occur. Limit all exposure to loud noises.