Sounds & Adrenal Function
Stress of Sound
The stress of everyday sounds can wreak havoc on body functions. Adrenal function can be adversely affected by sound that signals a potential threat. The siren of an ambulance is an obvious agitator, but (studies show) that even imperceptible levels of sound can be problematic to an already stressed and sensitive system.
Audio Findings
Ears are sensitive stress receptors. Dr. Alice H. Suter, an audiologist, has concluded that the effects of everyday, commonplace sounds are responsible for an array of health-related issues, ranging from high blood pressure to compromised immune systems and even impaired learning.
Threat Response
When the body perceives a threat, the adrenals immediately release adrenaline into the bloodstream, which is normal and entirely safe, but only at acceptable levels. When a perceived threat is extended, and the adrenaline is proving ineffective, the body then releases another stress hormone: cortisol. When excessive amounts of cortisol are released into the body, they will eventually diminish adrenal function, which is detrimental to overall health and well-being.