Physical Side Effects of Starvation
Anorexia is one of the most common causes of starvation, especially among adolescent girls. Some of the symptoms of this eating disorder are constantly thinking of food, toying with food, hoarding food, loss of interest in sex and mental function is impaired.
Many people suffering from bulimia eat quickly, "wolfing down" their food. Shortly thereafter, they vomit everything that was consumed. Severely restricting calories may lead to this kind of behavior. This can be a natural response of the body, when on a starvation diet.
Physical Effects Of Starvation
The following are physical symptoms that may be a result of starvation: decreased resting metabolic rate, drop in sex hormones, loss of monthly menstruation, bone loss, constipation, sleep disturbances, hypothermia, loss of lean body mass and changes in brain chemistry that increase food cravings.
Emotional and Cognitive Effects Of Starvation
The cognitive effects of starvation are difficulty concentrating, apathy and poor judgment. The emotional effects of starvation may be depression, anxiety, irritability, anger, changing moods, psychotic episodes, withdrawing from friends and family and changes in personality.
Starvation can have long lasting effects on the body. It is important to seek treatment from a qualified medical doctor, in order to recover fully from these effects.