Christian Counseling for Eating Disorders
Christian counseling usually refers to a counseling method that integrates psychological methods with Christian standards of behavior and the use of prayer as a form of therapy. A Christian counselor might counsel someone struggling with an eating disorder to say a certain prayer when he is tempted to binge or purge while at the same time implement a secular method of behavior modification. The main difference between the Christian counselor and her secular counterpart is the addition of Christian behaviors such as Bible reading and prayer.
When looking for Christian counseling for eating disorders, know that the term Christian counseling is not to be confused with another form of Christian counseling known as Nouthetic or Biblical Counseling.
Nouthetic Counseling is a term based on the Greek noun, nouthesia (meaning to admonish, correct, or instruct) and was coined by Jay Adams, founder of The Institute of Nouthetic Studies.
According to The Institute for Nouthetic Studies, Christians who support Biblical Counseling hold to the belief that scripture is sufficient for all human struggles and reject the integration of psychology with the Bible. A Biblical Counselor would use the Bible to identify and address the heart or root needs of the individual with an eating disorder and will likely recommend medical care for the physical needs. The Christian doctrine of salvation is essential to the Biblical Counselor as he believes that only a relationship with Christ and adherence to God's Word can change a person from the inside out for a permanent effect.
What to Look For
When looking for a Christian counselor specializing in eating disorders, make a check list of those qualifications that are important to you. While a license is not required of a Christian counselor, adherence to a professional code of ethics is. Be sure to ask prospective counselors about their codes of ethics.
Also consider the counselor's history of working with those with eating disorders and make sure the counselor has daily access to a nutritionist and a physician.
If searching for an organization that offers a special live-in program for patients with eating disorders, be sure to ask for case studies of patients who have been helped by the program. Ask to look at a daily schedule for those who are enrolled in the program and be sure to visit the facilities personally. Again, a doctor and a nutritionist should be available at all times.
Where To Find
When looking for help for eating disorders, you have two choices. You can opt for one-on-one counsel in a church or office setting, or you can opt for a special program conducted in live-in facilities. If in the early stages of the disorder, you may want to go with one-on-one counsel and then move on to a special program if the behavior persists. Each patient is different and may respond to different types of approaches.
If going the one-on-one route, keep in mind that pastors and church staff are often licensed through agencies and have special relationships with them. To find one-on-one counselors through their respective agencies, you can check two main sites. The American Association of Christian Counselors site offers a search feature allowing you to look within your zip code range for a Christian counselor in your area. The National Association of Nouthetic Counselors or NANC also has a search feature if you're looking for a Biblical counselor in your area.
Costs Involved
One of the advantages of one-on-one counsel through a church is the low cost involved. Seen as a church outreach or ministry, often counseling is free.
If you choose to go through a Christian clinic, you can expect rates to be around $80 an hour.
The costs of a live-in-program will be high enough to cover daily living expenses and food for the individual as well as the costs to keep the facilities in operation. Keep in mind that the lasting benefits of a live-in program often far outweigh the cost.