How to Get Healthy Eating Habits
Healthy eating habits are something of the past for most people. It used to be that families cooked and ate healthy meals everyday. This isn't true for many families nowadays, so what's the head of the household supposed to do about it? The trend can change for you and yours if you choose to make the changes necessary.
The first thing you need to do is educate yourself on what's in the foods you eat. The internet will provide you with all the info you need. If you do this then you will know exactly what you're eating.
You need to know the basics such as calories, fats, salt, carbs, proteins, sugars, vitamins and minerals. What are they and how much of each should you have each day? Our foods are highly processed and have lost many nutrients, so we don't get the quality of food we need.
Once you have the knowledge you can start to make the changes needed. The next step to getting healthy eating habits is to analyze what the family eats and how much. Starting with breakfast, is it healthy? What about lunch and dinner? If not then change it by buying healthier foods at the grocery store.
Preparation begins at the store! What are you making available to your family at home? How many meals do you eat? Are you eating snacks? What kind of snacks? When you ask these types of questions you get a good idea of why the entire family is overweight, sick, tired and stressed out. The only way to begin change is to break it down and analyze.
If you eat out where are you eating and what? What size are the portions? Portion size changes everything. You can just about eat anything you want if it's in small portions and controlled. Out of control eating as well as emotional eating can really put the weight on and create a multitude of health problems.
Emotional eating patterns are usually triggered by stress and anxiety. Is there out of control arguing which creates a stressful environment? Possibly you need family counseling. If there are addictions such as alcohol, drugs, food, gambling etc. then perhaps joining a 12 step program is the answer.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous are all free programs that are available. You will never know how to change the bad to good until you analyze and resolve one step at a time. The only way to achieve healthy eating habits is to take action and expose the underlying issues.
As we age an unhealthy lifestyle weakens the immune system and breaks the body down. This is why there is so much heart disease, cancer, strokes and other illnesses in our country. It can change, but only if we change it.