Eating Disorders: Signs & Symptoms
Symptoms of Bulimia
Someone suffering from bulimia will go through one episode after another of binging on food and then purging it from their body. She will eat well beyond what could be called a normal limit and after doing so attempt to purge by inducing vomiting, using laxatives or diet pills and by heavily exercising. Someone that is bulimic may go on frequent diets and fast for a span of time after binging. She may have obsessive concerns about her weight and the shape of her body.
Signs of Bulimia
Some of the signs that someone is a victim of bulimia include always talking about his weight. He will constantly be making excuses to get into the bathroom right after meals so he can vomit up the food he has just eaten. He may consume only foods that are low fat when attempting to eat normally and he may purchase diuretics, enemas, and laxatives on a regular basis. Bulimics typically become withdrawn from social occasions, especially if they involve food or meals. Another sign of bulimia is when a person expresses disgust or jealousy over people who can "eat whatever they want."
Symptoms of Anorexia
The person that is anorexic will absolutely refuse to keep her body weight at what is considered a normal and healthy level for her age and body type. She will have a horrible and uncontrollable fear of becoming fat or gaining weight. Even as she loses weight an anorexic will think she is too fat and this distorted body image will dominate every aspect of her life. Girls and women can experience loss of menstrual periods.
Signs of Anorexia
Anorexics will over time become visibly thin and possibly emaciated as they continue to lose weight from not eating properly. The obsession with food will be obvious and he will always be weighing himself to keep track of his weight. When he does eat, he will meticulously monitor the portions and eat only certain foods, often avoiding meats and dairy products. He will exercise to excess and, like someone with bulimia, stay away from celebrations that center on food. Depression and listlessness along with a feeling of always being cold are other signs of anorexia.
Binge eating Disorder
This type of eating disorder is also called compulsive overeating. The individual will eat large amounts but rather than purge she will simply not eat for a period of time or go on a diet. Feelings of shame and low self-esteem are associated with this eating disorder. Those that suffer from it often have problems with depression, anxiety and loneliness, which only fuel the problem further. The person with this ailment can have a normal body type or be subject to varying degrees of obesity.