What can prevent you from having an eating disorder?
* A positive body image. People who have a positive body image are more likely to be satisfied with their appearance and less likely to engage in unhealthy eating behaviors.
* Strong self-esteem. People with high self-esteem are more likely to be confident and assertive, and less likely to be influenced by negative peer pressure.
* A healthy family environment. A supportive family environment can provide a sense of security and belonging, and help to promote healthy eating habits.
* A positive peer group. Friends who encourage healthy eating and exercise and who do not engage in negative body talk can help to promote a healthy body image.
* Good coping skills. People who have good coping skills are able to deal with stress in a healthy way, without resorting to unhealthy eating behaviors.
* A sense of purpose. People who have a sense of purpose in their lives are more likely to be motivated to take care of themselves, including eating a healthy diet.
These are just a few of the many factors that can help protect against the development of an eating disorder. By promoting these factors, we can help to reduce the risk of eating disorders and promote healthy eating behaviors in all people.