What is an eating disorder besides too little or much?

Anorexia nervosa:

- Restricting food intake.

- Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat.

- Distorted body image.

Bulimia nervosa:

- Binge eating, characterized by large amounts of food consumed at an unusually rapid pace

- Feeling a temporary loss of control during these episodes

- Compensatory behaviors to get rid of consumed food (e.g., self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, fasting, or laxative misuse).

Binge Eating Disorder (BED):

- Recurrent episodes of binge eating with associated significant distress.

- Eating a noticeably large amount of food than you think you should consume within a specific period usually within less than two hours .

- Loss of control over your eating

- Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID):

- Avoidance of eating due to sensory hypersensitivities

- Fear of negative consequences (nausea, vomiting, choking sensation), social interactions related to eating

- Not explained by food insecurity, religious practice, cultural practice, lack of knowledge in preparing food.

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