How to Overcome Bulimia
Decide to overcome bulimia. Once you have made the commitment to yourself, remind yourself daily that you are choosing to be healthy. Take back control by deciding to change.
Eat healthy, low-fat snacks throughout the day to combat hunger. Curb the desire to binge by making a strong effort to eat regular meals and snacks.
Explain your condition--and your commitment to overcome it--to your friends and family. Don't go through it alone--find people to lean on for support as you develop better eating habits and tackle the issues that have been bothering you.
Treat the underlying problem, not the symptoms. Visit a counselor or psychologist to discuss depression, anxiety or other mental or emotional setbacks that may bring on the desire to binge and purge.
Join support groups and find online chat rooms and forums designed for those recovering from bulimia. You aren't alone--find others to talk to about the issues you face.
Visit a physician to discuss any health problems you have developed from the bulimia. The doctor will check for cavities and tooth enamel erosion, stomach ulcers, an electrolyte imbalance, dehydration and other complications.
Work on becoming healthy and happy in the long term, not just the short term. To avoid a relapse, find positive outlets, such as exercising, laughing with friends, volunteering or helping others find the strength to get through what you did.