How to Eat Sour Grapes to Treat Appetite Loss

You might not feel like eating for a number of reasons. Perhaps you have been feeling sick or are undergoing chemotherapy. Regardless of the reason, it is important to eat properly to get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need for health. Eating sour grapes may give you back your appetite.


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      Juice sour grapes in a juicer. Fresh grape juice is best when diluted with water. You can also mix it with the juice from a handful of strawberries.

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      Eat sour or unripe grapes along with other fruit. A varied diet, even when you are not hungry, is essential to maintaining health.

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      Eat more when you are already hungry. If you find yourself hungrier at certain times of the day, eat your sour grapes and other food then. Eating more will stretch your stomach out, making you hungrier.

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      Drink a moderate amount of wine if your doctor says it's okay. Wine has been shown to have many health advantages, but is not publicly endorsed because of its addictive properties. With your doctor's permission, drink wine made from sour grapes.

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      Vary the type and color of grapes you eat for appetite stimulation. You might get tired of eating the same thing every day and lose interest in your food.

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      Treat your appetite loss by snacking on sour grapes before bed. When you eat at this time, it will not spoil your next meal as it may when you snack during the day.

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      Eat a few grapes at a time to treat your appetite loss. Grapes are portable snacks with few calories, and they don't take up much room in your stomach. You can eat just a few of them and remain hungry instead of feeling satiated.

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