How to Eat Garlic to Treat Appetite Loss
Make a soup from garlic by boiling 3 or 4 cloves in a cup of water. You can drink this twice daily to stimulate the appetite. Add the juice of half a lemon to the soup if desired, or you can add ½ tsp. of limejuice. Drink the soup for at least 1 week for the maximum benefit.
Avoid excessive fasting because not eating can actually curb your appetite. Instead, eat a good diet that includes garlic, even if you don't feel like it, to ward off appetite loss.
Break apart a garlic bulb and peel a few cloves of garlic. Then, slice them up and saute them with vegetables and some oil to add more garlic to your diet. Garlic adds flavor and aroma to otherwise dull foods, helping you to enjoy eating more.
Cook with garlic for its aroma. If your sense of taste isn't that strong, you should know that smell has a lot to do with taste. The pungent aroma of garlic itself is an appetite stimulant. Merely cooking with it can help improve your appetite, even if you don't eat it.
Take a daily garlic supplement to help treat your appetite loss. Garlic supplements are available in supermarkets, health-food stores and pharmacies. They have similar health benefits to eating fresh garlic.