How to Prevent Children From Overeating
Set an example. If you have a healthy relationship with food, chances are your children will pick up on it. Rather than eating on the run, make it a habit to sit down to eat, and use the meal time to catch up on news or share anecdotes.
Don't reward children with food, but don't punish them through it, either. For example, don't tell them they won't get ice cream unless they clean their rooms and don't buy them chocolates as a reward for being quiet during a car trip. Instead, choose a non-food reward or settle for good old-fashioned praise.
Get children used to an eating schedule. Children will be less hungry and less likely to overeat if they have a steady timetable for their meals. This is especially important with younger children, who need to eat more often because of their high activity levels and metabolisms.
Don't let children eat while watching TV. It's easy to get carried away when your mind is busy somewhere else. If kids are watching something on TV at the time they are scheduled to have a snack, there is nothing wrong with setting up a small table and letting them eat there--just make sure you provide them with the right portions rather than entire packages of food.
Keep kids busy. Many children turn to overeating as a way to deal with boredom, especially during the months of summer vacation. Enroll your kids in social or sports activities if possible, or find a way to keep them busy while at home. Never offer food as a way to keep them busy while you are doing something else.