How to Cure Binge Eating With Visualization
Choose an image. Because victims of eating disorders are plagued by anxiety, it is best to begin by visualizing something that brings them comfort. A pleasant childhood memory, a nature scene, a success or achievement, anything that calms the mind and body so that the person can relax in the moment when the anxiety begins to compel them to eat.
Focus on the feelings and response to the imagery. Grasping the mental state is key to the visualization technique. If the image is appropriate, it should elicit feelings of safety, happiness, reflection and wholeness replacing fear, anger and guilt. It's important that accessing this feeling become mastered so that it can be recalled whenever a binge is imminent.
Attach a positive mental state to the future goal. The positive image should be noted for every detail of color, sound and sensation. Taking these and incorporating an image of positive self-image, slowly but consistently, will connect the goal of health with the positive chosen image.