How to Deal With a Food Hangover
Soothe a Food Hangover
Drink plenty of liquids. Water should help to flush out the body and relieve constipation a common symptom of a food hangover. Tea can be used to settle an upset stomach and aid in reliving acid indigestion. Ginger ale is an excellent remedy for stomach upset.
Resist the temptation to starve yourself. Allowing yourself to go hungry can encourage overindulgence. Eat small light meals such as fresh fruits and yogurt.
Wear loose clothing. Slip into something that relives pressure on the abdomen and fits comfortably.
Prevent Future Food Hangovers
Eat breakfast. Consume breakfast within 1 hour of waking to prevent overindulging at lunch and dinner.
Create smaller meals. Eat smaller portions throughout the day instead of 1 or 2 large meals. These smaller meals are easier for the body to digest and reduce indigestion.
Choose more complex crunchy foods. Because crunchy foods take longer to chew they leave you feeling satisfied longer.
Chew food thoroughly to help increase your sense of satisfaction with the meal. Chew slowly to stimulate digestive juices which aid in breaking food down into smaller pieces. This allows food to be absorbed more easily by the body.
Examine the emotional causes of a food hangover. Stress often contributes to overeating. Join a support group to assist in dealing with the feelings that cause overeating.
Exercise daily. Physical fitness helps reduce stress and increasing positive feelings. To resist overeating exercise for 30 minutes a day.