How to Identify Obsessive Overeating
Observe whether the person gains a lot of weight in a short amount of time.
Notice whether the person prefers to eat alone rather than with others. Overeaters are often ashamed of their behavior and will hide their eating habits.
Notice whether the person eats more for comfort and nurturing than from hunger. Does the person eat after hearing distressing news? After a stressful day at work?
Observe whether the person goes to great lengths to be accepted by others. People who suffer from obsessive overeating often have low self-esteem and an extreme need to be accepted by everyone to ensure that they are liked.
Examine whether the person has had a long history of weight problems and has tried numerous weight loss techniques. Obsessive overeating often develops because a person has never learned basic, healthy eating habits.
Observe whether the person hides her garbage so that others won't see what she has eaten. She may hide food containers and take out the trash constantly to hide the "evidence" of eating.