What Happens to Bulimic People?
Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder characterized by patterns of destructive binging and compensatory behaviors. Individuals with bulimia will follow binging, which involves consuming large amounts of food in short periods of time, with behaviors such as vomiting and excessive exercising in an effort to control their weight. Bulimic people are at risk of experiencing a number of serious short-term and long-term side effects.-
Mouth, Throat and Stomach Side Effects
Bulimic people who vomit regularly experience swollen cheeks and perpetually sore throats due to stomach acid. The irritation of the throat and esophagus can result in blood in the vomit while purging. The stomach acid in vomit also causes tooth enamel to wear away, which leads to discoloration, gum disease, cavities and sensitivity to hot and cold. A bulimic person may experience pain in their stomach or develop ulcers and delayed emptying.
Systemic Side Effects
Bulimia also impacts the other areas of the body. Binging and purging, or engaging in other compensatory behaviors, can lead to deficiencies in bodily fluids, such as dehydration and low potassium, anemia and kidney problems, according to WomensHealth.gov. The heart beat may become irregular and the heart muscle may weaken. Bulimic people experience intestinal issues, such as constipation and bloating, muscle fatigue and, in women, an absent or irregular menstrual period.
Mental Side Effects
Bulimic individuals are also likely to have comorbid mental disorders, and psychological side effects, in addition to the negative physiological issues. Bulimia can result in low self esteem and feelings of depression, as individuals with the eating disorder are often ashamed of their problem. Bulimia nervosa is also associated with anxiety, a marked fear of weight gain and substance abuse.
Serious Complications
Individuals with bulimia can experience very serious medical complications as a result of the eating disorder. The dehydration and electrolyte imbalances associated with bulimia can cause cardiac issues that can be fatal. Frequent purging can cause the esophagus or stomach to rupture, and the loss of minerals such as potassium can result in heart failure.