Ways to Help Stop Binge Eating
Defining Binge Eating
Binge eating is defined as overeating to fulfill an emotional dependency on food, and includes several other defining factors. For a person to have binge eating disorder, she must binge more than twice a week for at least six months. She must eat large amounts of food rapidly when she isn't even hungry, or until she is uncomfortably full. Binge eating is usually accompanied by a need to eat alone out of embarrassment, and other feelings or shame, guilt, depression or anger. It is also possible to excessively gain weight when binge eating.
Be Open
If you are struggling with any kind of disorder, it is important to be willing to talk about it. Share with the people you are truly comfortable with, because confiding in someone else is the first step to recovery. If you do this, you will no longer feel isolated, and you will be able to receive the help and support you need to quit binge eating. Seek professional treatment from people specifically trained to help you. Being open with the issues you are facing will allow you to relax and know that you are on your way to recovery.
Find Distractions
Search for healthy distractions that fit your personality -- something that you would enjoy doing that will keep you from binge eating. Try Yoga, for example. With practice, it implements a sense of discipline, peace and relaxation about life's struggles. Or implement some other exercise program into your routine. Exercise will help you to feel healthier and provide distraction from the pressures of binge eating. Other healthy distractions are reading a book, listening to music, talking to family and friends, and gardening.
This may seem like backwards advice to give someone with binge eating disorder, but it's right on point. Denying yourself something is the fastest way to bring it to the foreground of your thoughts. We, as humans, tend to always think about the things we want and cannot have. Don't get caught up in fad diets that promise quick weight loss. They often demand harsh restrictions, and this can cause a yo-yo effect that can negatively affect your metabolism. Always eat breakfast. Write out a food plan for each day that includes five small meals. If you get the urge to binge, knowing you have a meal coming very soon will help to alleviate that urge. Make sure to have limited amounts of food at your house, or buy only the groceries needed for one day at a time, if necessary.