How to Solve a Binge Eating Disorder
Use self-help books and tapes. Self-help products may help solve a binge eating disorder, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Enter psychotherapy to resolve any unaddressed trauma. Resolving the underlying issues that cause the eating disorder can prove helpful to recovery.
Set three mealtimes per day. It is also important not to go more than three to four hours without having a healthful meal or snack.
Take multivitamins to enhance both the physical body and mood. This helps promote sound nutrition as well as healing from binge eating.
Exercise regularly to boost your mood and relieve the depression and anxiety often associated with compulsive overeating. Even a few minutes of exercise several times a week can help the body and mind recover from an eating disorder.
Write inspirational thoughts on index cards and carry them with you to introduce the positive self-talk that can help solve a binge eating disorder. Statements that do not use the word "don't" such as "Take it one meal at a time" may help reframe the negative mindset which usually accompanies compulsive overeating.
Practice deep relaxation methods as a way to help solve your eating disorder. Deep breathing, quiet reflection, and formal meditation are all beneficial when used to combat a binge eating problem.
Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Adequate rest is crucial for compulsive overeaters, as they are at special risk for physical and psychological health problems. Lack of sleep worsens these risks and may also exacerbate eating binges.
Attend a support group such as Overeaters Anonymous or GreySheeters Anonymous (see Resources below). These groups are free and confidential.