Blue & Yellow Colorblind Technology
Blue-Yellow Color Blindness
Blue-yellow color blindness, known as "tritanopia" is fairly rare. Only one out of 10,000 people is likely to be affected. People with tritonopia confuse blue with green and yellow with violet.
There is no cure for color blindness, but some people use special lenses to heighten their color perception. These lenses are available from eye care practitioners, however, heightening color sensitivity to some light wavelengths can diminish sensitivity to others.
Use of Technology
Although there is no specific technology for tritanopia, computer operating systems usually have a choice of color schemes. By resetting the display you may find it much easier to read. Blue fonts are frequently used online and generally the lighter the font, the harder it is to read if you're color blind. Even subtle changes in blue can have a big impact on legibility to the moderately colorblind.