Grading of Color Vision Defects
Conduct a color vision test to first identify the presence of a color deficiency. The most common tests use Ishihara Plates. These are designed to identify red-green color deficiencies, which is the most common defect. Ishihara Plates are usually comprised of random dots. The subject must identify a number or letter in the pattern of dots based on color differences alone. Additional plate tests can be used to identify blue-yellow deficiencies.
Classify the type of color vision defect using pseudoisochromatic plates. These involve sorting a series of color plates in sequence by hue or into groups of grays and colors. These tests can be used to detect the difference between protanopia or deuteranopia (green-green vision defects) and tritanopia (blue-yellow defects).
Conduct additional plate arrangement tests for comparison to the first tests, such as the Farnsworth panel D-15 and the Lanthony desaturated test, which has smaller differences in color. Comparing the results from these tests is used in grading the color defect.
Compare the results between the different panel arrangement tests to determine if the defect is mild, medium or strong.