How to Adapt to New Glasses
Wait until you get home to wear your new prescription. Do not drive or ride with your new glasses. The motion of the car may increase your sense of vertigo. Also, the added trial of trying to focus on objects as they move may cause a headache as well as eye strain.
Put away your old glasses. Once you put on the new glasses do not put on your old glasses again. Switching back and forth between prescriptions will only make the adaptation time longer and cause greater strain on your eyes. If you want to give your glasses away, many optometrists and charities have programs to give your old glasses to those that cannot afford them.
Watch TV or sit quietly on your porch. Try not to move your eyes around too much, but instead, allow your eyes to focus naturally on a distant point. This will allow your eye muscles time to adjust to the new focal length provided by the glasses.
Allow your eyes to rest. If the strain on your eyes becomes painful, remove your new glasses. Close your eyes for a few minutes to allow the muscles to relax. Dr. Russ Quiring, an ophthalmologist, recommends leaving your glasses off for up to an hour if necessary. If you eyesight is good enough that you can read without your glasses, consider spending time reading to allow your eyes to focus on something without strain.
Plan to stay home for a day or two after receiving new prescription glasses. If you pick up your new glasses on Wednesday, consider waiting for the weekend before you start wearing your new glasses. Driving and moving around a lot changes your focal point constantly and can contribute to headaches and eye strain while adapting to your new prescription.