Proclear Multifocal Toric Wearing Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Contact lens cleaning solution
- Contact lens case
Wash hands thoroughly using warm water and soap. Dry with a clean towel, making sure no soap is left on your hands.
Remove a contact lens from its case with your index finger. Check whether it's for the left or right eye if indicated or whether it fits either eye. The outside edges of the lens should be facing up on your finger. Check for any rips in the lens and use a lens cleaning solution if necessary to remove any dirt or dust.
Lift your upper eyelid using a finger on the hand not holding the lens while pulling the bottom eyelid down with another finger. Move the contact lens toward your eye and looking upward without blinking. Place the contact over the center of your eye, bottom first. Blink slowly to put the contact into place. Remove the contact if you feel pain or discomfort. Repeat with the second contact lens.
Pour out the contact solution from the contact case and close it.
Keep contacts in your eyes for a total of four hours if wearing them for the first time. Proclear Multifocal Toric's package insert recommends a wearing schedule. Contacts should be worn for four hours on the first day, six hours on the second, eight hours on the third and then all waking hours starting on the fourth day. Follow this schedule even if the contact lenses feel comfortable, unless otherwise advised by your eye doctor.
Remove each lens using your index finger while pulling your eyelid open with your opposite hand. The contact lens will stick to your finger. Wash, rinse and disinfect contact lenses after each removal using appropriate fresh, unexpired cleaning solution. Store contact lenses in a contact lens case with the storage solution. Replace lenses after a month to prevent eye infections or similar problems.