How to Clean Off Permeable Gas Contact Lenses
Things You'll Need
- Hand soap
- Water
- Lint-free cloth
- Disinfectant solution
- Storage solution
- Contact lens case
Clean your hands. Wash your hands with hand soap and water. Ensure that all traces of soap are removed from your fingers, between your fingers and on your hands. Dry your hands on a lint-free cloth, which will reduce the chance of small fibers getting trapped underneath your lenses.
Take your contacts out. Remove the lens from one of your eyes. Place the lens in the palm of your hand, bowl-shape facing up.
Apply a few drops of cleaning solution to the lens. Only use solutions specifically designed for your type of lenses, such as solutions made for soft contacts. Using a circular motion with your forefinger, gently rub the lens for a few seconds.
Complete the cleaning process. Rinse your lens again with cleaning solution. Never use tap water to rinse your lenses. Tap water contains microorganisms that can be harmful if introduced into your eye.
Avoid tap water for rinsing lens. Place the lens into a contact lens case. Fill the case with storage solution. Repeat the above steps for your other contact lens.
Add an enzymatic cleaner to your lens care regimen once a week. This helps to remove protein deposits from the lens.