Issues With Multi-Focal Contact Lenses

Multi-focal contact lenses incorporate two or more prescriptions in one lens to provide both distance and near corrections. They are available in soft contact lenses or rigid gas permeable (GP) lenses. Although multi-focal contact lenses offer convenience , there are some issues that come with wearing multi-focal contact lenses.
  1. Clarity

    • With multi-focal contact lenses, clarity can sometimes become an issue. Since multi-focal contact lenses don't always allow adequate light to reach the retina, images may not always be clear. Wearers may see double images or they may have difficulty in distinguishing objects set against a similar background.

    Depth Perception

    • The different powers used in multi-focal lenses can cause a displacement of objects, compromising your depth perception. This makes it hard to gauge distance between objects. Depth perception can put the wearer at risk of misjudging distances leading to falls or accidents.

    Difficulty Adjusting

    • Wearing multi-focal contact lenses takes some getting used to. Initial problems with blurry images and depth perception may act as deterrents. It takes time for your brain to learn to compensate for the image quality.

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