Plastic Lens Scratch Repair Secrets
Armor Etch
Although intended to permanently etch designs into glass, Armor Etch can also remove scratches from plastic lenses. Plastic eyeglass lenses often have an anti-glare and anti-scratch coating. Armor Etch will remove these coatings, but will not harm the original plastic. Although you may now see a glare when wearing your glasses, the scratches will be reduced or gone.
Hydrofluoric Acid
According to GlassesCrafter, applying hydrofluoric acid to scratched lenses is the most effective way to remove the scratches. Hydrofluoric acid is also used for etching glass, removing laundry stains, and cleaning aluminum to name a few. If using hydrofluoric acid, use caution. Make sure to wear gloves and use outdoors.
DVD/CD Repair Kit
In a DVD/CD repair kit you will find a cleanser and a cloth. The cleanser is used to remove the scratches from the DVD or CD. It will work the same on plastic eyeglasses, if the scratches aren't too severe. Use the cloth included in the kit to polish the lenses.
Other Remedies
Waxy products, like furniture polish, reduces the visibility of scratches by filling them with wax. Other ways to clean glasses include baby oil, bleach powder cleanser, rubbing alcohol, toothpaste and baking soda. Using a nail buffer can buff out the scratches as well. When using the products, use them carefully. Paper towels will scratch and leave lint on the glasses, so it is best to use a soft cloth, preferrably one made for the purpose of cleaning eyeglasses.
Visit the Optometrist
Although not very secretive, another solution for removing scratches from eyeglasses is to take them to the optometrist. The optometrist may have something to use to remove the scratches from your lenses. If not, they can order you a new pair. This is not the least expensive way to repair your scratched glasses but it is less time consuming.
Tips and Warnings
1. None of these methods should be used on glass lenses. Using these methods on glass lenses will damage your glasses beyond repair.
2. Use extreme caution when using hydrofluoric acid or other chemicals to clean your lenses as they are poisonous and can cause burns and irritation. If you come in harmful contact with any of these chemicals, seek help immediately.
3. Keep all chemicals out of reach of children.
4. To avoid scratches, safeguard your eye-wear. Always store them in a protective case if they are not in use. Putting them directly in your purse or pocket will cause scratching. Paper towels and facial tissues will cause scratching as well.
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