About Multifocal Contact Lenses
How They Work
Multifocal contacts have near-vision correction in the center and distance-vision correction around the outer edges (or vice versa). Rather than having two distinct areas of correction (like bifocals), they tend to have graduated correction to aid vision at all distances. This allows users to see everything clearly, whether near or far, without having to switch glasses or strain.
Conditions They Treat
Multifocal contacts treat myopia (nearsightedness) caused by years of reading and other close-focus activities. They also treat presbyopia, (farsightedness) -- making them a popular alternative to reading glasses.
Common Problems
It takes time to adjust to wearing multifocal contacts. Some wearers feel dizzy when switching focus while wearing their new lenses. According to optometrists at All About Vision, multifocal contacts are more convenient but less effective than using glasses with different prescriptions.