How to Convert Bifocals to Single Vision
Things You'll Need
- Permanent marker
Converting Bifocals to Single Vision Reading
Familiarize yourself with optical prescription protocol and terms. The Ohio State University Medical Center notes that every prescription is written with an O.D. (Oculus Dextrous) for right eye and O.S. (Oculus Sinister) for left eye. Some prescriptions will include numbers under the category of Cylinder and Axis for each eye, but not all. Bifocals will always have a number written under the category of ADD or Addition on a glasses prescription.
Begin with the right eye. All optical processes start with the O.D. first. Add the power of just the Sphere, or distance in the right eye. For example, if the prescription is O.D. Sphere +2.00, Cylinder -0.50, Axis 180 with a reading ADD of -1.00, during conversion you disregard the cylinder and axis until later.
Add +2.00 and the reading ADD of +1.00. The beginning of the reading prescription is now +3.00. Continue with the conversion by adding back in the Cylinder and Axis, so the O.D. is now +3.00 Cylinder -0.50 and Axis 180.
Repeat with the left eye, or O.S. Add the reading prescription power to the left distance power and keep the Cylinder and Axis the same. It is possible to end up with a negative number in the Distance power. If a person's Distance prescription is written as -4.00 and their ADD is +2.00, his reading power is calculated to -2.00. According to, the magnifying power or ADD power can be reduced minus power.
Converting Bifocal to Single Vision Distance
Remove the ADD power from the prescription. This is done by rewriting the prescription as a single vision order.
Note on the lab order form next to the bifocal prescription that the order is SVO, which means Single Vision Only or as DVO, for Distance Vision Only. Most labs know to make single vision lenses from a bifocal prescription if the order form includes instructions for DVO.
Mark the lenses as SVO if you are sending a previously worn bifocal pair of lenses to the lab for single vision. Use a permanent marker only if you do not intend to re-use your bifocal lenses in the future. Simply make an "X" on the bifocal portion of the lens or write "SVO" across each lens to alert the lab that the new lenses will be made into single vision.