Types of Eye Burrs
Alger Brush
An Alger Brush is a battery-operated burr used to remove rust and stain rings on the cornea. The tip of the burr rotates at high speed, but if used properly it cannot penetrate the cornea. Rotation stops automatically when the tip meets resistance, says opt.indiana.edu.
Diamond Burr
Diamond burrs can be used in a procedure known as superficial keratectomy to treat corneal erosion, which can occur when the cornea is scraped or injured says the British Journal of Ophthalmology. Usually corneal erosion or abrasion can be treated with a tight eye patch for a week or so, but for recurrent cases, a diamond burr can be used to treat the eye's surface.
Professional Attention
Abrasions can come and go on their own, sometimes overnight. But any abrasion that is causing excessive tearing or pain should be checked out by your eye doctor. Never place something in your eye to try to remove a foreign object, and keep eye makeup and moisturizers out of the immediate eye area. Just like your doctor, you need to remember: First, do no harm.