How to Eliminate Floaters
Floaters are small clumps of protein that float around in the jelly-like substance inside your eye, known as vitreous humour. People who are nearsighted and those older than 70 years will often have floaters in their eyes. It is a myth that floaters cannot be treated and removed, as there are a number of things that can be done to alleviate this annoying but harmless condition.Instructions
Avoid surgery as much as possible, and instead follow a non-surgical elimination of floaters, such as taking antioxidant eye supplements, which can be purchase from health stores. These have been used for years to help remove eye floaters, says, but they have not been scientifically proved or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Purchase methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) eye drops. These help floaters pass through the vitreous humour more quickly, and will therefore drastically reduce their impact, says
Change your diet, making alterations such as eating brown rice instead of white, avoiding dairy, red meat, poultry and deep fried food, and making sure you eat lots of nuts, seeds, fish and vegetables. A change in nutrition has shown that floaters can be reduced, according to
Go for surgical assistance if non-surgical methods do not improve the situation. A procedure known as a vitrectomy removes the vitreous humour from the eye and replaces it with a new gel-like substance.
Get laser eye surgery. By correcting your vision, your point of focus within the eye is on the retina and not in the middle of the eye somewhere, where it could focus on floaters.