How to Choose the Magnification of Reading Glasses
Locate a display or kiosk that sells nonprescription reading glasses. These can be found at many drug stores or department stores, such as Walmart and Target.
Try on a pair of reading glasses at the lowest strength, which according to the Mayo Clinic begins at +1.00 magnification and continues up to +4.00.
Look at an object that is approximately 14 to 16 inches away from you. Many of the displays that carry nonprescription reading glasses will have an eye chart available for you to read. If not, find a nearby display or reading material that you can test the glasses on.
Continue to try on glasses of different strengths until you find the one that works best for you.
Try on different styles of frames at that particular magnification level. Look for a pair of reading glasses that fit comfortably and appeal to your particular taste.