Alternatives to Bifocals
Refractive Eye Surgery
Refractive eye surgery aims to improve vision to the point that artificial lenses are no longer necessary. LASIK surgery is one of the most common forms of refractive eye surgery. During LASIK surgery, the specialist uses a laser to correct various conditions affecting the eye, including myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Consult an ophthalmologist to discuss the type of refractive surgery that might be right for you.
Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are a popular alternative to bifocals, and come in multiple forms---including some styles that offer the same vision correction as bifocal glasses. Contacts are usually soft and sturdy. Some contact lenses are designed for extended wear for those who don't want the hassle of constantly removing and inserting lenses.
Intraocular Lens
An intraocular lens is an artifical lens inserted into the eye by a doctor to replace the original lens. This is usually done because the original lens has been distorted by a cataract. The intraocular lens is designed with flexible material and is usually fitted with a monofocal lens tuned to the patient's vision. Implants should be monitored for months after surgery to avoid serious complications.