Products for the Visually Impaired
The ability to get around is one of the most important aspects of independence for the visually impaired. Canes and specially trained dog guides help aid the visually impaired in mobility. Dog guides undergo extensive training along with their masters so that they can work effectively as a team. Canes are made of lightweight material. Some fold and collapse. Some specialized canes are computerized and sonar-equipped in order to steer around obstacles, according to Specially made portable GPS units can help a blind person determine their location or navigate to a destination.
Products are available for the visually impaired to assist with reading and writing. Options include large print books and magnification guides. High intensity lamps or illuminated magnifiers are products that may help you if you have low vision. Binoculars may help view distant objects. Learning to read and write in Braille can help the visually impaired continue to lead a full life. According to the American Foundation for the Blind, some individuals wish to learn Braille to label items or take brief notes, rather than for reading entire books. Computers can be equipped with software that enlarges the print size or simulates a human voice.
To help maintain independence in everyday skills, consider specially designed clocks and telephones. Clocks and watches with white faces and large black numbers may be helpful for people who have visual impairment. Other options include Braille watches or talking alarm clocks or watches. Touch-tone phones with large numbers are good products to assist with low vision. Cooking can be a challenge if you are visually impaired. Devices that can help include color-coded or tactile measure cups and talking thermometers. Templates or special computer software are available for addressing envelopes and writing checks. Braille products can help you to lead an independent and comfortable life. Braille products include rulers, tape measures and products for labeling. The American Council of the Blind has published a list of catalogs of useful products for the blind and visually impaired.