Frequent Blinking Causes
Dry Eyes
Dryness of the eye is one of the most common causes of frequent blinking. If your body is not producing enough tears, or if the tears being produced are not made up of the proper elements, dry eyes occurs. According to the Mayo Clinic, tears consist of water, fatty oils, electrolytes and proteins, and if one of these elements is lacking, the fluid cannot properly coat and protect the eye. Other factors lead to dry eyes as well. Your environment, certain medications and underlying eyelid problems are other possible culprits.
Foreign Body
Having a foreign body trapped in your eye is also a common cause of blinking. Quite often it is one of your own eyelashes causing the discomfort. It can, however, be any number of things, from a tiny speck of pollen or dust to a visible object like a bit of dirt, glass, a splinter or something else. Having even the smallest speck in your eye may cause scratching of the surface of the eye. This makes it feel as though the foreign body is still present even after it is removed. To prevent painful scratches, be cautious about rubbing your eyes any time you suspect there is a foreign body.
Twitching or Spasms
Also known as blepharospasm, twitching of the eyelid or the muscles surrounding it is a common malady that presents uncontrollable and distracting blinking. It is thought to have many causes, with fatigue, stress and eye strain being the most common. Heredity may play a role as well. Blepharospasm is probably nothing to worry about if you notice it occurring at the same time every
day or before or during a stressful situation, or if other members of your family also experience it.