Types of Eye Glasses for Someone Who Is Near Sighted
About 30 percent of children and adults in the United States are nearsighted. The condition, known as myopia, occurs when the curvature of the cornea is too pronounced or if the eyeball itself is too long. Either of these conditions will keep light from focusing correctly within the eye, with the result being objects seen at a distance will be blurred.
Nearsightedness is typically a benign condition that people learn to live with through the aid of corrective eye wear such as glasses or contact lenses. But occasionally nearsightedness may be indicative of a more serious condition such as diabetes. Only a comprehensive examination by a qualified optometrist or ophthalmologist will make that determination. The eye specialist is also the best person to counsel you on the best type of correction, whether you are a candidate for laser eye surgery, contact lenses or eye glasses.
Single-vision eye glasses are the most popular choice of the correction of nearsightedness. These glasses can typically provide acceptable levels of correction for near and far vision. For nearsighted older adults who suffer from presbyopia, or "old eyes," the ability to focus on near objects is also compromised. These individuals may require bifocal lenses in their eye glasses to read or to do close work such as crafts or needlework. Still others may require trifocal or multifocal lenses to be able to see clearly through a range of distances.
Some nearsighted people get along just fine without eye glasses most of the time. They may, however, be required by law to wear corrective lenses when they drive. These people frequently keep a pair of "driving glasses," which are low-strength single-vision eye glasses, in their car to wear when they drive. Nearsightedness may make some people's eyes more sensitive to sunlight. For these people prescription sunglasses allow them to see clearly even on bright, sunny days.
For people who are only mildly nearsighted, or who suffer from presbyopia, reading glasses may be the only type of vision correction necessary. Rather than being made to a specific prescription to correct a person's individual nearsightedness, reading glasses are rated by their magnification strength and can be bought over the counter without a prescription.