Information on Prosthetic Eyes
An artificial eye is a medical device. Eye disease such as glaucoma and diabetes or injury to the eye can necessitate surgical remove of part of all the eye. Surgery involves an optical implant, which preserves the size and shape of the eye, and the eye prosthetic, which provides a symmetrical match for the natural eye.
Mild soap and water cleanses the artificial eye gently. Solvents, harsh cleaners and alcohol are not recommended. Rinse the prosthetic clear of all soap residue.
Lubricant on the artificial eye alleviates discomfort and reduces discharge in the surrounding eye tissue.
Have a spare artificial eye in case the original becomes lost, or damaged. A suction cup facilities the remove and insertion of a prosthetic eye without the need to handle the device directly. Avoid getting makeup into the eye or on the prosthetic eye. This reduces the potential for eye irritation and infection.