Vision Improvement Training
Four basic techniques of vision improvement training are palming, massage, blinking and shifting. Palming, which originated as a yoga exercise, involves lightly placing the palms over the eyes, envisioning total darkness, which is said to be extremely relaxing and therapeutic for the eyes. Massage is done by rubbing the bridge of the nose, eyebrows, forehead and cheekbones to release tension. Blinking involves learning to blink the eyes in a very slow, soft way to induce relaxation. Shifting is moving the eyes quickly but gently over many focal points to train the eyes to see with greater awareness, according to Yoga Journal.
Opponents of vision improvement training argue that vision problems have little or nothing to do with the muscles of the eye. Instead they say eye problems result from the shape of the eyeball and the structure of the lens, which do not change with exercise, according to Quackwatch.
Supporters of vision improvement training argue that vision is largely psychological. Eye exercises can re-train the mind to correct the way it processes the information it receives from the eyes. Supporters from say vision improvement training can improve near- and farsightedness, astigmatism, macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts, among other things.