How Reading in Dim Light Can Ruin the Eyesight
A Medical Myth
A study conducted by the "British Medical Journal" listed the link between reading in dim light and poor eyesight as one of the top seven medical myths. According to the BMJ, the consensus among ophthalmologists is that reading in dim light does not cause any permanent damage to eyes but can lead to temporary eye strain.
Eye Strain
Eye strain is a common result of reading in dim light. It occurs when the iris expands to take in more light yet attempts to contract to read text, causing a confusion of signals that hampers vision. Symptoms of eye strain include dry and itchy eyes and a temporary blurring of vision. The symptoms will dissipate shortly after a person stops the activity that caused them, and most doctors believe there is no permanent damage caused by this.
An Ongoing Debate
Many insist that reading in dim light has no permanent effect on vision, pointing out that our ancestors read in frequent low-light situations. However, others believe that the repeated stress on vision, such as that resulting from reading in dim light or reading books held close to the eyes, may lead to permanent damage.
According to the BMJ, a recent medical journal article argued that repeated stress on the eyes may lead to myopia, or nearsightedness. The article's author, Douglas Fredrick, associate clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of California in San Francisco, pointed to evidence of increased nearsightedness among academics who are likely to do a great deal of reading during their lives and among children engaged in intensive reading and writing in childhood. The BMJ notes that this hypothesis is beginning to gain support among the medical community.
Turn the Light On
While the debate continues over the permanent consequences of reading in dim light, avoiding eye strain and its uncomfortable symptoms may be reason enough to make sure you always have adequate light to read by.