Types of Reading Glasses
Custom versus Stock
Stock reading glasses can be bought without a prescription from a wide range of retailers. Reading glasses range in magnification from light to strong. If you are unsure of what type of reading glasses you need, it may be good to make an appointment with an optometrist who can write you a prescription for the type of eyeglass magnification needed to correct your vision. Custom glasses can also be ordered from an eyeglass shop if you want to ensure you get the right reading glasses to correct your vision. Some people have different correction needs in each eye, and if this describes your situation you will need two different lenses, which is not possible with stock reading glasses. Using the wrong reading glasses can lead to damaged vision and side effects such as headaches.
Magnifying Glasses
Reading glasses that magnify for clearer reading come in two basic types--small lens and full lens. The small-lens glasses consist of a small lens that either sits by itself or is surrounded by non-corrective material to create a full lens. In full-lens magnifying reading glasses, the entire lens is made of corrective material so that the entire lens is magnified. Magnifying glasses come in a variety of colors and styles and can be bought in retail outlets as well as online.
Bifocal Reading Glasses
Bifocal reading glasses are glasses that combine two lenses into one. The inner part of the lens may do most of the magnifying work, while the outer part magnifies less or more than the inner part depending on what is needed to correct your vision. Bifocal reading glasses come in a variety of styles, shapes and sizes. Bifocal reading glasses are also available as sunglasses, since many people need the benefit of bifocals when driving.