Desktop Vs. Laptop for the Nearsighted
While Wearing Glasses
If a nearsighted person is wearing his glasses, he should be able to use either a desktop or a laptop computer equally well as far as his vision is concerned.
While Not Wearing Glasses
If a nearsighted person is not wearing his glasses, he may need to be closer to his computer monitor in order to see it clearly. Moving too close to the monitor of a desktop computer can make using the computer uncomfortable. A laptop computer can be more easily moved nearer to the eyes to make it more clear. Nearsighted people not wearing their glasses may be able to see a laptop computer more easily.
Levels of Nearsightedness Vary
There are many different levels of nearsightedness. For specific recommendations based on an individual's level of nearsightedness, the person should get an eye examination and discuss his vision needs with his optometrist.