Optometrists & Glaucoma
Annual Eye Examination
Glaucoma does not generally cause symptoms until very late in the disease. By that time, irreversible damage has taken place. During an annual eye examination, an optometrist will assess the patient's eye pressures, peripheral vision, optic nerve, and other areas that help rule glaucoma in or out. This allows glaucoma to be diagnosed and treated early, before it has a chance to cause significant damage.
Laws Vary by State
In most states in the United States of America, optometrists are permitted to diagnose and treat glaucoma as of 2010. The laws are constantly changing, and they vary widely from state to state. Some states allow optometrists to treat glaucoma with eye drops only. Some allow eye drops and pills to be prescribed by optometrists, and some allow the use of lasers by optometrists.
Glaucoma Surgery
When glaucoma is severe enough to require a surgical procedure, optometrists are not permitted to perform that treatment in any state in the United States. This must be done by an ophthalmologist, or eye surgeon.